
Elite Wellness – CrossFitMetcon (Time)6 Rounds 400m Run 6 Squat Snatch (115/85)(RX+=165/115) 2 Rope Climb Rest 3:00Metcon (No Measure)”AFTER PARTY”- Complete 0-5 of the following: 1)Strict Press 1×1 @ 77.5% 1×6 @ 70% 1×5 @ 72.5% AMRAP @...


Elite Wellness – FITMetcon (No Measure)3 Rounds: 15 DB Leg Extensions 15 DB Hamstring Curls 10 DB Deadlifts 10 Goblet Cyclist SquatsMetcon (Time)For Time: 30-25-20 Cal Bike Box Jumps (24/20)


Elite Wellness – CrossFitClean (1×1)*Build to 1RMMetcon (No Measure)4 Sets: if time :30 Ring Roll Outs :30 Dumbbell Head Holds 1:00 Wall Sit HoldMetcon (No Measure)”AFTER PARTY”- Complete 0-4 of the following: 1)For Time: 30/24 Cal Row 10 Wall...


Elite Wellness – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)EMOM 30 Minutes: 1: 10-12 Cal Ski 2: 10-12 GHD 3: 10-12 Bike 4: 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups/5-7 BMU/8-10 Pull Ups/10-12 Ring Rows 5: Rest


Elite Wellness – FITMetcon (Time)For Time: 800m Run 50 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 DB Power Cleans 600m Run 35 Box Jump 30 DB Power Cleans 400m Run 20 Box Jumps 30 DB Power Cleans