Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Squat Clean (6×1 (90%+)

Time to MAX!!! If you’re feeling it keep building each set!

*Log heaviest rep

Metcon (No Measure)

Optional- if time

3-5 Sets: 5-15 trict Pull Ups

Metcon (No Measure)


1)AMRAP 4 Minutes x 4-

MAX Cal Ski

*Rest 4min

2)Strict Press-

AMRAP :15sec x 3:

Reps @ 70% (Rest 2:45)

*time start with first rep

3)AMRAP 2:30 x 3-

15 S2O (115/75)

.7/.6k Echo Bike

15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

*Rest 2:30 between AMRAPs

*Cont where you left off

4)For Time:

500/1000/2000m Run

10/20/30 Dbl DB Box Step Overs
