Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Back Rack Lunge (6×10)

*Slightly heavier than last time


*All sets at same weight

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

800m Run

40 T2B (RX+=60 reps)
*option to wear a vest

Metcon (No Measure)


1)Squat Clean

1×87.5%, 6×2 (82.5-85%), 2×70%

*Bike 1k between sets

2)On a C2 Bike:

0:00 – 5:00: Build to a heartrate of 160 – Age

5:00 – 10:00: Build to 165 – Age

10:00 – 15:00: Build to 170 – Age

15:00 – 60:00: Stay between 170 – Age and 180 – Age

60:00 – 65:00: Stay Above 165 – Age

65:00 – 70:00: Stay Above 160 – Age

70:00 – 75:00: Keep moving below 160 – Age

3)10 rounds, each for time of:

42′ Handstand Walk

Rest as little as needed to remain unbroken

4)4-6 Sets

:30-:90 Seated Barbell OH Press Hold

Rest 1:00-2:00

5)Each interval for time:

Row 1,350/1,200m

Rest 3:30

Row 750/675m

Rest 4:00

Row 500/450m