Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

For Time: (RX+= Wear a Vest)

30 Toes to Bar

1000m Run

10 Toes to Bar

*Rest 1:30

20 Toes to Bar

1000m Run

15 Toes to Bar

*Rest 1:30

15 Toes to Bar

1000m Run

10 Toes to Bar

*Rest 1:30

20 Toes to Bar

1000m Run

Metcon (No Measure)


1)AMRAP 6/4/2:

30/25 Cal Bike

15 Sandbag Cleans (Alt. Shoulders)(100/75)

*Rest 1min between AMRAPs

**Pick up where you left off

2)5 Rounds-

:12sec Echo Bike Sprint

3)5 Rounds-

100ft HS Walk (Rest as needed to repeat time)

4)TNG Clean and Jerk





5)Strict/Push Press

5 Strict Press @ 80%

Rest :10

Max Push Press at same weight

Rest 3:00

5 Strict Press @ 75%

Rest :10

Max Push Press at same weight

Rest 3:00

5 Strict Press @ 70%

Rest :10

Max Push Press at same weight