Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Back Rack Lunge (6×10)

*complete 5-10lbs heavier than previous time we did this

*Same weight throughout all sets

Metcon (Calories)

4 Rounds x :24sec-

Echo Bike Calories
*score is total calories

*Complete a round every 3min

Metcon (No Measure)


1)Bench Press-

Build to a 10RM

2)AMRAP 15 Minutes:

12 Pistols (L)

1 Seated Legless Rope Climb

3 Sandbag Over Shoulder (150/100)

12 Pistols (R)

1 Seated Legless Rope Climb

3 Sandbag Over Shoulder

3)5 Rounds:

550/500m Ski

18 SA Hang Clean and Jerks (60/40)

550/500m Ski

*Rest 3min between rounds


3-5 Sets: 1-2min Dead hang

2-4 Sets: 10 Elevated Split Squats