Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Until you complete 40 Hang Power Cleans:
AMRAP 2 Minutes: (6 AMRAP CAP)
15 Cal Row (RX+= Ski)
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
MAX Hang Power Cleans (185/125)
*Rest 2min between AMRAP’s
**If you do not complete all 40 hang cleans by the end of round 5, complete them in round 6 even if it extends past 2:00 of work.
Metcon (No Measure)
12 Front Squat @50%
1K C2 Bike @ Flush Pace
12 Front Squat @55%
1K C2 Bike @ Flush Pace
12 Front Squat @60%
1K C2 Bike Cool Down
2)AMRAP 7/6/5/4/5/6/7 Minutes
Calorie C2 Bike
Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs
3)AMRAP 1 minute x 3
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 2:00
Rest 5:00
In a 20/14lbs Vest:
AMRAP 1 minute x 3
No Jump Rope Climbs
Rest 2:00
4)4 Rounds
Plate Pinch Carry (Both Hands)
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