Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds:

2.5/2.1 Bike

30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

*Rest 4min after 2 rounds

2 Rounds:

2.5/2.1k Bike

30 Box Jumps Overs
*Complete Box Jumps with Open Standard (step down)

Metcon (No Measure)


1)3 Rounds-

300m Run

5 S2O (225/155)

*Rest 1:30 then

2 Rounds

*Rest :45sec then

1 Round

2)Overhead Squat

1×85%, 3×70%, 2×3 (72.5%),

2×3 (75%), 3×77.5%

3)Clean and Jerk

1×87.5%, 3×82.5%, 2×85%, 1×87.5%,

3×85%, 2×87.5%, 1×90%, 1×77.5%

4)5 Rounds-

100/90 Cal Ski

*Rest 1:30

5)4 Rounds

2-3min Slow Backward Sled Drag

*Rest 4min