Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 Rounds:
.8/.7k Bike
16 C2B
7 Deadlifts (60% of 1RM)
16 C2B
7 Deadlifts
*Rest 4min between rounds
*Log time for each round
Metcon (Weight)
Optional: if time
3-5 sets: 1-1:30min Dbl KB Front Rack Hold
Metcon (No Measure)
1)Every 2:30 for 15:00 (6 rounds)
4 Vested Rope Climbs
Echo Bike @ Forever Pace in Remaining Time
2)AMRAP 5 Minutes x 5
C2 Bike Calories
Rest 2:00
3)Back Squat-
1×82.5%, 4×77.5%, 3×82.5%, 2×85%, 3×87.5%, 2×90%
*Bike 3min between sets
4)AMRAP 12 Minutes
200m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
10 Sandbag Get Overs 150/100lbs to 40″
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