Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit
Front Squat (1×80%, 3×82.5%, 3×80%, 3×77.5%, 3×75%, 3×72.5%, 3×70%, 3×67.5%)
*1k recovery bike between sets
**Log 80%
Metcon (No Measure)
Optional- 4 Sets:
Plate Pinch Hold (Both hands)
(repeatable times)
Metcon (No Measure)
1)AMRAP 2 minutes x 3
3 UB Bar Muscle Ups
6 UB Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
2)3 Rounds, each for time of:
250/225 Calorie Machine
Rest 1:30 between rounds
*rotate machines every 2min until total calories are completed (Row-C2 Bike-Ski)
3)3 Rounds
100′ Sled Push AHAP*
Walk 300m
5 Sandbag Clean to Box 200/150lbs
Walk 300m
*box is at shoulder height
4)5 Sets- on rings
4-6 Skin the Cats
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