Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

“Fresh 21.4”

Complex: (1 Rep of each)



Hang Clean

*9min to build to heavy complex

Metcon (Weight)

Every 3 minutes for 18min (alternate movements, 3rds each)

40yd Heavy Sled Push

1 Plank Complex*

*(:30 center planks, :30 right side, :30 center, :30 left)

Metcon (No Measure)

“AFTER PARTY” (Complete 0-1 of the following):

A)For Time- (As a Team

Until 3500m on EACH machine is completed:

3:00 Row or Ski

*Rest 2:00

*Split work however you’d like

B)Accessory – For Completion

EMOM 16 Minutes

1- 15 GHD

2- 14 Plank Transitions (7 right/ 7 left)

3- 2-3 Tempo Push Up Hold (5/x/5/10)