Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 6 Minutes

8 Thrusters 115/85lbs

10 Bar Facing Burpees
*Rest 5min before starting next metcon

Metcon (Time)


Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Deadlift 185/125lbs

*Rest 3:00


Deadlift 185/125lbs

Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*RX+=225/155lb Deadlift

Metcon (No Measure)

“AFTER PARTY” (Complete 0-1 of the following):

A)Skill – For Completion

2 Rounds

9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 UB Strict HSPU

B)Accessory – For Completion

3 rounds

10 Tempo Double KB RDL* (Moderate Load)

30 (15/15) Alternating DB Front Raise (light load)

10/10 Wolf Raises (light load)

*Rest :90

C)Strength/Skill – For Weight

Every 3:00 for 15:00

4 Bench Press @70-80%

1 Comfortable Set of Tempo Alternating Pistols