Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Push Jerk

3 @65%

3 @75%

AMRAP @85%
*If you get 9 reps or less, rest 3:00 and repeat

Metcon (Time)

For Time:


Hang Squat Cleans (185/130)(RX+ 225/160)
*200m D-Ball Carry between sets

Metcon (No Measure)

“AFTER PARTY” Complete 0-2 of the following:

1)For Time

70 GHD Sit Ups

50′ HS Walk

50/40 Calorie Row

50′ HS Walk

30 DB Power Cleans 70s/50s

50′ HS Walk

2)For Time

25/18 Bike Calories

Rest 5:00

35/25 Bike Calories

Rest 5:00

25/18 Bike Calories

3)For Completion

Find a max set of UB Bar Muscle Ups


2 sets of 50% of Max Set UB

Rest 3:00