Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Back Rack Lunge (4×10)

*10 total reps (5 each side)

*Build as form allows

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 10 Minutes

30 DU

12 DB Snatch (50/35)

8 DB Box Step Overs (50/35)
*Use one DB for entire workout

Metcon (No Measure)

“AFTER PARTY” Complete 0-2 of the following:

1)For Completion

4 rounds

:30 Barbell Hip Thrusts, light-moderate

:30 Rest


4 rounds

:30 Pike Compressions

:30 Rest


4 rounds

:30 Rope Dead Hang

:30 Rest

2)For Weight

Kettlebell Snatch

5×20 (10 Per Side) AHAP

3)For Time

2 Rounds

24/20 Calorie Ski

24 DB Front Squats 70s/50s

*Rest 4min between rounds

4)For Time

40/35 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

50/45 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

60/50 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

70/60 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

80/65 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

90/75 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

100/85 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace

20 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace

110/90 Calorie Row @ Sustain Pace