Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Power Clean

1×1 @80%

Then, as a 10 minute EMOM

2×3 @70% of 1RM

2×3 @67.5% of 1RM

2×3 @65% of 1RM

2×3 @62.5% of 1RM

2×3 @60% of 1RM

Metcon (Time)

For Time

8/7k AAB

Every minute not including 0:00, Perform 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*20 minute cap

Metcon (No Measure)

“AFTER PARTY” Complete 0-3 of the following:

1)For Time

5 Rounds

10 Strict HSPU

10 Box Jump ATWOs 24/20″

2 Hang Squat Snatch @80%*

Rest 2:30

2)Trap Bar Deadlift


3)Tabata: (complete one movement in full before starting next)

Tabata Barbell Sit Up

Rest 2:00

Tabata Super Man Hold