Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Every 2 Minutes for 8 minutes

2 Low Hang Snatch


Every 2 Minutes for 6 minutes

1 Snatch

Metcon (Time)

For Time


Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″

Alternating DB Hang Snatch 70/50lbs

Metcon (No Measure)

“After Party”- Complete 0-3 of the following:

1)Every 10 Minutes for 30 Minutes

100/80 Calorie Row

Max Calorie Ski in remaining time

Score is total Ski Calories

2)Back Squat

3×10 @60-70%

If last week went well increase weight slightly.

3)3 rounds

10 Tempo Double KB RDL* (Moderate Load)

30 (15/15) Seated Alternating DB Front Raise (light load)

10 DB Hollow Lifts (light load)

Rest :90