Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Every 3min for 15min

Front Squat 3 Reps
*Pause :3sec on first rep

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 9 Minutes:

200m Row

30 Strict HSPU

200m Row

30 Toes to Bar

Metcon (No Measure)

“AFTER PARTY”- Complete 0-4 of the following:

1)20 Rounds

100ft Sandbag Carry

4 Sandbag Get Overs 150/100lbs to 40″

*Rest 2:00 after Rounds 4, 8, 12 and 16

2)For Reps

Max Calorie Ski in :30

Rest 3:00

Max Calorie Ski in :25

Rest 4:00

Max Calorie Ski in :20

Rest 5:00

Max Calorie Ski in :15

3)EMOM 10 Minutes – Alternating

1 – Smooth set of vested Bar Muscle Ups 20/14lbs

2 – Smooth set of Chest to Bar Pull Ups

4)For Completion

3×12 DB Prone Bench Rows

3x 10 Knee to Elbow Push Ups with Pause

5)3 Rounds

20 Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps

Rest 3:00