Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

8 Rounds-

12 Weighted Sit Ups (RX+=GHD)

12 Pistols

15/12 Cal Row

*Rest :30sec between rounds

Metcon (Weight)

Optional: if time

5 Sets-

1-2min Weighted Wall Sits

*Rest as needed

Metcon (No Measure)


1)AMRAP 3/2/1 Minutes:

5 Shuttle Runs (50ft Down/50ft Back)

2 Sandbag to Shoulder (200/150)

*Rest 1min between AMRAPs

**Start new every AMRAP

2)4 Rounds-

:15-17 Echo Bike Sprint

*Rest as needed

3)Snatch Complex

Build to Heavy Complex

(Snatch+OHS+Hang Snatch+OHS+Snatch)

4)Strict+Push Press

5 Strict Press @ 80%

Rest :10

Max Push Press at same weight

Rest 3:00

5 Strict Press @ 75%

Rest :10

Max Push Press at same weight

Rest 3:00

5 Strict Press @ 70%

Rest :10

Max Push Press at same weight