
Elite Wellness – FITMetcon (No Measure)3 Sets: 3 Pos Dip Hold (:10sec each) *Rest :30sec 10 DipsMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAPx14 20 Floor Press 20 Sit Ups (weighted) :20sec HS Hold


Elite Wellness – CrossFitMetcon (No Measure)3 Sets: 14 Straight Arm KB Russian Twists 14 L Crunches 20 KB Plank Pull ThroughMetcon (Weight)EMOMx20 Min 1: 7-10 Pike HSPU (Box) Min 2: 12 Lateral Raises (ATW) Min 3: :40sec SA DB Row (Switch every 5 reps) Min 4:...


Elite Wellness – FITMetcon (Weight)4 Sets- :30on/:30off D-Ball Squats Weighted Step Ups Russian KBSMetcon (Time)For Time: 21-15-9 DB Thrusters Pull Ups


Elite Wellness – CrossFitFront Squat (4×10)*E3MOM perform a set *All sets at 63% of 1RMMetcon (5 Rounds for time)E3MOMx5 Rounds 12/8 Cal Bike (15/10) 10 D-Ball Squats (HEAVY) 15 Pull Ups


Elite Wellness – CrossFitMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)AMRAPx25 1000m Row 20 KB Swings 30 Box Jumps