Elite Wellness – CrossFit
Snatch (1×1)
4×75%. 3×80%, 2×85%
3×82.5%, 2×87.5%, 1×90%
3×85%, 2×90%, 1×92.5%
Metcon (No Measure)
“AFTER PARTY”- Complete 0-4 of the following:
1)3 Sets:
100′ Bottoms Up KB Carry (right)
15 Barbell Sit Ups
100′ Bottoms Up KB Carry (left)
Rest :90
2)Until you reach 45 Reps:
Climb the ladder of Unbroken Muscle Ups
Once you reach a set you cannot complete – Rest 3:00 and start over
3)5 Rounds
3 Rope Climbs
12/8 Calorie Bike
Rest 4:00
5 Rounds
3 Rope Climbs
12/8 Calorie Bike
4)3 Rounds
10 Romanian Deadlifts
Rest 3:00
5)AMRAP 6 Minutes
25 Double Unders
10 Thrusters 75/60lbs
30′ HS Walk (15′ out/15′ back)
10 Thrusters 75/60lbs
Rest 1:30
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Rest 1:30
AMRAP 2 Minutes
Continue where you left off
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