Elite Wellness – CrossFit
Clean (Sets at:
1×1 (80%), 3×3 (77.5%), 1×3 (67.5%))
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 9 Minutes
6 Pull Ups
6 Power Cleans (135/95)
150m Row (RX+= Ski)
“AFTER PARTY” (No Measure)
1)4 Sets:
12/12 Single Arm DB Row (moderate load)
8 Rower Pike Ups
Accumulate 5:00 of Marching (bear hugging a sandbag)
2)4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Strict HSPU*
1 Max Set of Strict HSPU*
Rest 3:00 Between all sets
3)Bench Press
5 @40%, 5 @50%, 5 @60%
5 @75%, 3 @80%, AMRAP @85%
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