Elite Wellness – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
Back Squat
1×1 @80%
Then every :90 complete a set
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
Metcon (Time)
For Time
Until you reach 40 Power Snatches:
1 Max rep set of UB Touch and Go Power Snatch @ 70%
15 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Rest :90
*RX+ Accumulate 60 reps
Metcon (No Measure)
“AFTER PARTY” Complete 0-2 of the following:
1) For Completion
AMRAP 3 Minutes x 3
Max Strict Toes to Bar (10 rep cap)
Wall Sit remainder of time
Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs
2)For Weight
3 Rounds
75′ Sled Push AHAP
Rest 4:00
3)For Time
6 Rounds
30′ HS Walk
12 S-Arm DB OH Squat 50/40lbs
10 Pistols
Rest 2:00
5 Rounds
Rest 2:00
4 Rounds
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