Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit

Snatch (1×1 (77.5%)
4×3 (75%)
1×3 (65%))

*Complete a set every 2min

**If needing go lighter on percentages to maintain form

***Log your 75%

Metcon (No Measure)


1)AMRAP 7 Minutes x 3:

6 C2B

6 Alt. Hang DB Snatch (50/35)

6 C2B

6 Alt. DB Hang Snatch

6 C2B

6 Alt. DB Hang Snatch

1:30 C2 Bike for Calories

*Rest 3min between AMRAP’s

2)AMRAP :45/1:00/1:15/1:30

Run for Distance

3K C2 Bike Flush between rounds

3)4 Sets:

Tall Plank Hold (3min Rest)

**Repeatable times is the goal

4)6 Rounds

50′ Forward Facing Sled Pull

Rest 2:00

5)5 Rounds


Rest as little as possible to stay unbroken and keep repetitions FAST

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 11 Minutes-

9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)(RX+=185/125)

18/15 Cal Echo Bike