Elite Wellness, Elite Wellness Altamonte / Tribe – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
Front Squat+Split Jerk
6×3 (70% of 1RM Jerk)
Metcon (Weight)
6 Rounds
Heavy Sandbag Bear Hug Hold
Rest 2:00
*Goal is repeatable times
Metcon (No Measure)
1)Until you reach 13×30′
AMRAP 1:00
30′ Unbroken HSW
Rest 1:00
2)AMRAP 10 Minutes
5 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
7 TnGPower Snatches (115/80)
*Everything must be unbroken to count
3)Bench Press
4×1 (95%+), 7×1 (90%+). 8×2 (80-90%)
**Pick one rep scheme depending on how you feel today
4)AMRAP 16 Minutes-
2 Sandbag Bear Hug Shuttles (150/100)
80 Double Unders
2 Sandbag Shuttles
30/25 Wallballs (30/20)(10ft target for everybody)
*Shuttle=25′ out and back
5)For Time
Ski 2500/2250m
Rest 1:00
C2 Bike 10/9k
Rest 1:00
Run 3200m
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