Elite Wellness – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
AMRAPx3 Minutes: (w/partner)
400/350m Row
6 Sandbag Cleans (Heavy)
MAX Burpees Over Row
*Partners alternate working athlete, 3 minutes on/3 minutes off until the team has completed 200 total burpees over the rower.
Metcon (No Measure)
“AFTER PARTY”-Complete 0-3 of the following:
1)For Time: (w/partner)(Switching after each 400m Run)
400 Calorie Bike
2)For Time: (w/partner)
100 HSPU (Non working partner in HS Hold)
3)For Weight: (w/partner)
20RM Front Squat (from floor)
*Partner 1 cleans the bar from the floor. Once stood up, partner 2 performs their first rep from the floor. Then athletes alternate reps until each athlete completes 10 reps. Once the second athlete finishes their last rep, both drop the bar.
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