Elite Wellness – CrossFit

Snatch Pull (4×5)

*Complete all sets at 90% of 1RM

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 8 Minutes:

20yd Sled Push

5 Strict HSPU (RX+= Parallette HSPU)

10 KB Swings (53/35)(RX+=70/53)

Metcon (No Measure)

“After Party”- Complete 0-2 of the following:

1)AMRAP 5 Minutes

Sets of 6 UB Toes to Bar

2)3 Rounds

2k Row

Rest 3:00

3)AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3

21 Deadlift 185/130lbs

6 Burpee Muscle Ups

9 Overhead Squats 185/130lbs

Max Burpee Muscle Ups in remaining time